Applicant Tracking System

Accelerate your hiring process

Review applications faster with AI that surfaces the best matches, streamline collaboration with hiring teams, simplify offer flows, and automate routine administrative tasks.

ATS Hero

Why customers love Gem ATS

Do more with less as your business grows

Eliminate the need for multiple recruiting tools with one AI-powered platform that does it all. Growing teams save on technology costs while maximizing recruiter productivity.

Speed up every hiring stage with AI

Experience intelligence built into each workflow — from sourcing and outreach to application review and interviewing. Gem AI makes teams 5x more productive across the process.

Simplify recruiter workflows

Recruiters spend less time switching systems and more time building relationships. That's why 92% find Gem easy to use, earning us an industry-leading 4.8/5 rating on G2.

Grow with a solution that scales with you

Start with what you need today and easily add capabilities as you grow — without migration headaches or retraining your team. From pre-seed to IPO, Gem grows with you.

Distribute jobs across thousands of boards

Easily publish and promote openings across 25,000+ job boards including LinkedIn, Monster, and ZipRecruiter. Target the right channels for each role to attract qualified applicants with minimal effort.

Job board postings

Review applications with AI speed

Let AI evaluate applications based on job requirements and rank candidates by match strength. Quickly identify qualified talent with intelligent filtering and automatic resume highlights.

Explore AI-Powered App Review
AI-powered App Review: Prioritize the best applicants

Source and engage passive talent faster

Search across 650M+ profiles with AI that delivers the best matches for your roles. Drive 30-40% higher response rates with personalized outreach while avoiding duplicate contacts.

Explore AI-Powered Sourcing
AI Outbound Sourcing

Simplify candidate management

Gem’s interactive dashboard helps recruiters grab a quick, visual snapshot of their candidate pipeline, identify candidates that need immediate attention, and hold their hiring managers accountable to SLAs.

Talent Pipeline Kanban Board

Make interview scheduling a breeze

Let AI find optimal interview times, coordinate across time zones and calendars, and automate reminders — giving recruiters hours back to focus on candidate relationships.

Explore Scheduling
Optimized Scheduling

Summarize interview feedback with ease

Gem automatically generates scorecard summaries based on interview notes, with all feedback logged directly into candidate profiles for easy access.

AI Scorecards

Deliver offers with just a few clicks

Streamline hiring by creating, editing, and sending offers with automated approval workflows. Easily assign signatories and track the entire process in one unified system.


Make confident, data-driven decisions

Track metrics across the entire recruiting funnel from a single source of truth. Identify bottlenecks, forecast hiring needs, and demonstrate impact without complex BI tools.

Explore Analytics
Executive Overview: Preset templates for multiple use cases

"When we switched to Gem ATS, it was user-friendly and concise. It felt like switching from Windows to Apple. Also, the data migration was smoother than we could have imagined, and the team over-delivered on the time it took to migrate the data. It never felt like I was without my tools”

sean edsall
Sean EdsallTalent Manager/Business Development
Execelity Logo
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Recruiters want to go in and update the system. It was just everything in one. It was going to save us time. It was going to be easier for us. We were going to be able to keep all of our data.

Martina Branan VectorWorks
Martina BrannanManager, Talent Acquisition
Read the case study

We were getting unprompted excitement from hiring managers about how easy it was to review applications, look at dashboards, and find interview information.

Nathalie GrandyHead of Recruiting
Linktree logo
Read the case study
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See how Gem can help you hire with remarkable speed and efficiency