WTF: Employer Brand v2 | Image

Februray 21, 2024 at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET

In the age where every candidate’s experience can make or break your brand, WTF is diving deep into what truly builds a lasting employer brand. In light of recent industry-wide trends, where many companies are compromising on candidate experience due to market shifts, we'll also address the crucial role of maintaining a high-quality candidate journey—even when it's no longer a 'candidate's market.

Forget the fleeting trends. Our panelists will dive into the key elements of having an employer brand that outlasts trends, authentically connects with candidates, and leverages the collective strength of your organization.

Join us as we explore:

  • Strategies for Longevity: Equip yourself with tactics to ensure your employer brand remains robust and appealing to future generations of talent.

  • Candidate-Centric Branding: Learn methods to place candidates at the heart of your employer branding, even when the market suggests you could do less.

  • Unconventional Stakeholders: Gain insights into who within your organization can be a game-changer for your employer branding efforts beyond TA and Marketing.

Meet the speakers:

Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams

CEO & Cofounder

Brittany (Brex)
Brittany (Brex)

Brittany (Brex)

Head of Recruiting Operations

Liam Darmody
Liam Darmody

Liam Darmody

Employer Brand Strategist